Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Action and Aventure Trailer Review


Throughout the film ‘Salt’ the soundtrack varies to show the different moods and settings.  Suspicion is portrayed through music with strong slow beats.  Whereas when there is a fight about to begin, suspense arises through the music meeting a climax and as the action takes place the music gets louder, faster and stronger. There is a scene in an elevator where a Russian man uses his feet with knifes in the soles to kill two men. Just as this is about the happen the music reaches its end and the camera zooms into his feet in slow motion. This leaves the audience wondering  what is about to happen, all of a sudden a blade comes out of the shoe and the music pipes up again, and the fight is over in seconds. As the blade appears from the shoe editing is used. A sharp light fills the screen which immediately gains the audiences attention.

Another action scene in the film is when Angelina Jolie is inside a car with two security guards. She appears defenceless so you don’t think anything is going to happen. The speed of the car is shown through the angle only showing the wheel turning as the car turns a corner. The camera zooms into her face where her eyes turn to face the camera. All of a sudden it blacks out and she attacks both men next to her. Many camera angles are used from inside the car and outside.  

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Before your very eyes, the glasses that act like a mobile

In Media Studies, at the beginning of the lesson we keep informed with short starter activities. Today we looked at the article 'Before your very eyes, the glasses that act like a mobile' (The Times 23.02.12).  This amazing technology appears as a pair of glasses with screens instead of lenses that are capable of showing text messages, emails and the internet. This all works with a small camera device which placed on the side of the glasses that allows you to see what is in front of you. The new high tech glasses will show real-world images overlayed with information you would typically view on a phone like emails.